
The Market MENA/GCC

Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon

The region possesses the power of proximity located in two continents, and centrally between the East and the West, the region holds more than half of the worlds oil reserves, and two-fifths of the world's natural gas reserves. (OPEC data) and is home to approximately 6% of the world's population 55% of which are youth (aged under 30) compared with 36% of the population across OECD countries.

Why expand Saudi Arabia?

Are you an ambitious business owner eyeing global expansion? Or an organization looking toexpand globally?

If so, Saudi Arabia could be your next strategic move. This thriving Middle Eastern kingdom, with its Vision 2030 initiative and a rapidly growing economy, offers a plethora of opportunities for companies seeking international growth. The Saudi government has been working to diversify its economy through its Vision 2030 plan, which includes initiatives to encourage foreign investment, privatize state-owned enterprises, and promote non-oil sectors such as tourism, entertainment, and technology. These reforms create opportunities for international organizations to participate in the country's economic transformation. Here are some compelling reasons to consider expanding to Saudi Arabia:

  1. Economic Powerhouse: Saudi Arabia is the largest economy in the MENA region and is actively diversifying its economy away from oil dependence, creating a fertile ground for new businesses.

  2. Vision 2030: The ambitious Vision 2030 plan aims to transform Saudi Arabia into a global investment powerhouse. It offers numerous incentives for foreign investors.

  1. Robust Economy: Saudi Arabia has a strong and stable economy, driven primarily by its oil reserves. In recent years, the Saudi government has been actively diversifying its economy through its Vision 2030 plan, which aims to reduce the country's dependence on oil and promote sectors like tourism, entertainment, and technology.

  1. Large Consumer Market: With a population of over 34 million people, half of which are youth. Saudi Arabia represents a significant consumer market. Its young and increasingly tech-savvy population has growing purchasing power, making it an attractive market for consumer goods and services.

  1. Strategic Location: Saudi Arabia's strategic location in the Middle East makes it a hub for trade and investment. It serves as a gateway to the wider Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region, offering access to neighbouring markets such as the UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, and Bahrain. In proximity between Asia and Africa, a 4-hour flight to New Delhi- India, and Egypt in north Africa.

  1. Business-Friendly Reforms: The Saudi government has been implementing various reforms to improve the ease of doing business in the country. This includes streamlining business registration processes, reducing bureaucracy, and offering incentives to foreign investors.

  1. Infrastructure Development: Saudi Arabia has invested heavily in infrastructure development, including transportation, logistics, and telecommunications. This makes it easier for businesses to establish operations and distribute products efficiently.

  1. Growing Tourism Industry: Saudi Arabia is actively promoting its tourism industry, with initiatives like opening up to international tourists, developing new tourist attractions, and hosting major events. This presents opportunities for businesses in the hospitality, travel, and related sectors.

  1. Access to Natural Resources: If your business relies on natural resources or raw materials, Saudi Arabia is a significant player in the global energy market and offers potential sourcing advantages. Saudi Arabia is also investing in Green Hydrogen, Solar Energy, and other sustainable sources of energy.

  1. Tax Incentives: The Saudi government has introduced various tax incentives for foreign investors, such as reduced corporate tax rates and exemptions for certain industries.

  1. Strategic Partnerships: Saudi Arabia is forging international partnerships and collaborations across various sectors. Entering the Saudi market can position your business for potential partnerships and joint ventures.

  1. Cultural Sensitivity: Saudi Arabia is opening up to foreign businesses to support the country’s 2030 Vision, however, it is important to respect local customs and traditions, to build strong relationships with Saudi partners and customers.

  1. It is essential to conduct thorough market research, understand the local regulatory environment, and develop a culturally sensitive business strategy before expanding to Saudi Arabia. Consider seeking guidance from our local experts and business consultants to navigate the unique challenges and opportunities in this market.

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Why expand in UAE?

Expanding a business to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) can be a strategic move for many companies, as the UAE offers a range of advantages and opportunities. Here are some reasons why businesses choose to expand to the UAE:

  1. Strategic Location: UAE is strategically located at the crossroads of Europe,Asia, and Africa. This central location makes it a hub for trade and commerce, allowing businesses to easily access markets in the Middle East, North Africa, and beyond.

  1. Business-Friendly: Environment has a business-friendly environment with minimal bureaucracy, low taxes (especially in free zones), and relatively few restrictions on foreign ownership. These factors make it an attractive destination for international businesses.

  1. Robust Infrastructure: The UAE boasts world-class infrastructure, including modern airports, seaports, road networks, and telecommunications. This infrastructure facilitates the movement of goods and people, which is crucial for businesses.

  2. Free Zones: The UAE has numerous free zones that offer various incentives such as 100% foreign ownership, tax exemptions, and customs privileges. These zones are attractive for companies in industries like manufacturing, logistics, and technology.

  1. Financial Hub: Dubai, in particular, is known as a global financial hub. It has awell-developed financial sector with numerous international banks, financial institutions, and a stock exchange. Businesses can easily access capital and financial services.

  1. Diverse Economy: The UAE's economy is diverse, with sectors including oil and gas, real estate, tourism, technology, and finance. This diversity can create opportunities for businesses in various industries.

  1. Political Stability: The UAE is known for its political stability and security. This stability provides a safe and secure environment for businesses to operate.

  1. Talented Workforce: The UAE has a diverse and skilled workforce, including alarge expatriate population. Many professionals from around the world are drawnto the UAE for job opportunities.

  1. Market Access: The UAE itself is a prosperous market with a high per capitaincome. Additionally, it serves as a gateway to the wider Middle East and NorthAfrican markets.

  1. Tax Treaties: The UAE has signed double taxation treaties with numerous countries, which can help businesses avoid paying taxes on the same income in multiple jurisdictions.

  1. Quality of Life: The UAE offers a high quality of life, making it an attractive destination for employees. It has modern amenities, a multicultural environment, and excellent healthcare and education facilities.

  1. Tourism and Hospitality: The UAE is a popular tourist destination, attractingmillions of visitors each year. This presents opportunities for businesses in thetourism, hospitality, and related industries.

It's important to note that while there are many advantages to expanding to the UAE,businesses should also consider the specific challenges and regulations that mayapply to their industry and business model. Get in touch to conduct thorough marketresearch, consult with legal and financial experts, and develop a comprehensiveexpansion strategy to ensure a successful entry into the UAE market.

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Why expand in Qatar?

Investing in Qatar can be an attractive prospect for several reasons:

  1. Stable Economy: Qatar has a robust and stable economy with one of the highest GDP per capita in the world. Its economy is built on a solid foundation of oil and natural gas reserves, which have provided a consistent source of revenue. Additionally, Qatar has successfully diversified its economy into sectors such as finance, real estate, and transportation.

  1. Strategic Location: Qatar's geographical location in the Middle East makes it a strategic hub for trade and business activities, serving as a gateway between Europe, Asia, and Africa. Its modern infrastructure, including Hamad International Airport and the Hamad Port, further enhances its connectivity.

  1. Business-Friendly Environment: Qatar has implemented various reforms and initiatives to attract foreign investment. It offers a favorable business environment, including tax incentives, 100% foreign ownership in most sectors, and simplified company registration procedures through platforms like the Qatar Financial Centre (QFC) and Qatar Science & Technology Park (QSTP).

  2. Political Stability: Qatar is known for its political stability and low crime rate, providing a secure environment for businesses and residents. The country has a stable government and a clear vision for economic development.

  1. Diversification: Qatar's National Vision 2030 outlines a commitment to diversify the economy further, with investments in sectors such as education, healthcare, and tourism. This commitment to diversification presents opportunities for investors in non-oil sectors.

  1. Infrastructure Development: Qatar has invested heavily in infrastructure projects, particularly in preparation for the FIFA World Cup 2022. This includes the construction of stadiums, transportation networks, and accommodation facilities, creating opportunities in construction, hospitality, and related industries.

  1. Young and Educated Workforce: Qatar has a well-educated and skilled workforce, with a significant number of expatriates contributing to its diversity. The government is also investing in education and training programs to develop local talent.

  1. Free Trade Zones: Qatar has established several free trade zones, such as the Qatar Free Zones Authority (QFZA), which offer incentives for businesses, including tax exemptions and full foreign ownership.

  1. Financial Services Hub: Qatar has developed a strong financial services sector, with Doha serving as a regional financial hub. It is home to various international banks, investment firms, and financial institutions.

  1. Quality of Life: Qatar offers a high standard of living with modern amenities, healthcare facilities, and educational institutions. This makes it an attractive destination for expatriates and their families.

While Qatar presents numerous investment opportunities, it's essential for potential investors to conduct thorough market research, understand the regulatory environment, and seek local partnerships or advisory services to navigate the business landscape effectively. Additionally, staying informed about economic and political developments in the region is crucial for successful investment in Qatar.

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Why expand in Oman?

Investing in Oman can be an appealing prospect for various reasons:

  1. Strategic Location: Oman's strategic location at the crossroads of the Middle East, Asia, and Africa positions it as a gateway for trade and commerce. Its proximity to major markets in the Gulf and beyond makes it an ideal location for businesses seeking regional access.

  1. Political Stability: Oman has a long history of political stability, with a peaceful and harmonious domestic environment. The country has a tradition of diplomatic neutrality and peaceful coexistence, which has contributed to its stability.

  1. Investment-Friendly Policies: Oman offers a range of incentives and benefits to foreign investors, including tax exemptions and land leasing options. The Oman Investment Authority (OIA) and the Public Authority for Investment Promotion and Export Development (Ithraa) provide support and guidance to investors.

  2. Free Trade Agreements: Oman has signed several free trade agreements (FTAs) with countries and regions worldwide, facilitating trade and investment opportunities. These agreements grant businesses preferential access to key markets.

  1. Infrastructure Development: Oman has invested heavily in infrastructure development, including ports, airports, roads, and industrial zones. These investments improve connectivity and create opportunities in logistics, construction, and related sectors.

  1. Renewable Energy Initiatives: Oman is investing in renewable energy projects, particularly solar and wind energy. This aligns with global efforts to transition to cleaner energy sources and offers investment opportunities in the renewable energy sector.

  1. Quality of Life: Oman offers a high quality of life with modern healthcare facilities, international schools, and a safe and welcoming environment for expatriates and their families.

  1. Economic Zones: Oman has established Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and industrial estates that offer favorable conditions for businesses, including tax incentives, simplified regulations, and infrastructure support.

  1. Cultural Heritage: Oman's rich cultural heritage and history make it an attractive destination for heritage tourism and cultural exchanges, presenting opportunities in cultural preservation and tourism-related ventures.

While Oman presents numerous investment opportunities, potential investors should conduct thorough market research, understand local regulations and customs, and seek professional advice to navigate the business landscape effectively. Additionally, staying informed about economic and political developments in Oman is essential for successful investment

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Why expand in Kuwait?

Investing in Kuwait can be appealing for various reasons:

  1. Political Stability: Kuwait is known for its political stability and well-established institutions. The country has a history of peaceful transitions of power, providing a secure and reliable environment for investors.

  1. Strong Economy: Kuwait boasts a robust and diverse economy, driven by its significant oil reserves. It has one of the highest GDP per capita in the world, reflecting a high standard of living and strong consumer purchasing power.

  1. Oil Wealth: Kuwait holds substantial oil reserves and is a member of OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries). This oil wealth provides a stable source of government revenue and investment opportunities in the energy sector.

  2. Strategic Location: Kuwait's strategic location in the Arabian Gulf makes it a vital trade and business hub. It has access to key markets in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa, making it an attractive location for businesses seeking regional expansion.

  1. Investor-Friendly Regulations: The Kuwaiti government has implemented investor-friendly policies, including laws that allow 100% foreign ownership in certain sectors, tax incentives, and simplified procedures for setting up businesses.

  1. Infrastructure Development: Kuwait has invested in modern infrastructure, including transportation, telecommunications, and logistics. This facilitates the movement of goods and people, making it easier to conduct business.

  1. Free Trade Zones: The country has established free trade zones and industrial areas with incentives for businesses, such as tax exemptions and customs benefits.

  1. Financial Services Hub: Kuwait is home to a thriving financial sector, with a well-regulated banking industry and a stock exchange (Boursa Kuwait). It offers various financial services and opportunities for investment in the financial sector.

  1. Educated Workforce: Kuwait has a well-educated workforce, with access to quality education and training programs. This makes it easier for businesses to find skilled talent.

  2. Economic Diversification: Kuwait is actively working to diversify its economy away from oil dependency. This includes investments in sectors like healthcare, education, tourism, and technology, offering opportunities for investors in non-oil sectors.

  1. Bilateral Trade Agreements: Kuwait has signed bilateral trade agreements with numerous countries, facilitating trade and investment opportunities.

  1. Tax Benefits: Kuwait does not impose income tax on individuals, and there is no Value Added Tax (VAT) at the moment. This can be advantageous for both businesses and employees.

  1. Quality of Life: Kuwait offers a high quality of life with modern amenities, healthcare facilities, international schools, and a safe environment for residents and expatriates.

    While Kuwait presents investment opportunities, it's crucial for potential investors to conduct thorough due diligence, understand local regulations and business practices, and seek professional guidance to navigate the market effectively. Additionally, staying informed about economic and political developments in Kuwait is essential for successful investment.

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Why expand in Bahrain?

Investing in Bahrain can be an attractive proposition for several reasons:

  1. Strategic Location: Bahrain's strategic location in the Arabian Gulf positions it as a gateway to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) market, making it an ideal location for businesses seeking access to the Gulf region, which includes Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, and Oman.

  1. Business-Friendly Environment: Bahrain is known for its welcoming and open business environment. It offers 100% foreign ownership in most sectors, streamlined company registration procedures, and a competitive tax regime, including no personal income tax or corporate tax.

  1. Financial Hub: Bahrain has a well-established financial sector, with a strong reputation as a regional financial hub. It is home to many international and regional banks, insurance companies, and financial institutions. Bahrain's financial sector benefits from regulatory oversight and transparency.

  2. Infrastructure and Connectivity: Bahrain has modern infrastructure, including a well-maintained road network, ports, and an international airport. The King Fahd Causeway connects Bahrain to Saudi Arabia, enhancing trade and transportation links.

  1. Free Trade Agreements: Bahrain has signed various free trade agreements (FTAs) with countries and regions worldwide, facilitating trade and investment opportunities.

  1. Economic Diversification: Bahrain has been proactive in diversifying its economy away from oil dependence. The government has focused on sectors such as financial services, tourism, technology, and manufacturing to create a more diverse and resilient economy.

  1. Educated Workforce: Bahrain boasts a well-educated and skilled workforce. The country has invested in education and vocational training programs to develop local talent.

  1. Bahrain Economic Vision 2030: The government's Vision 2030 plan outlines ambitious goals for economic development and diversification. It includes initiatives to attract foreign investment and enhance the business environment

  1. Quality of Life: Bahrain offers a high quality of life with modern amenities, healthcare facilities, international schools, and a vibrant cultural scene. It is a comfortable and attractive destination for expatriates and their families.

  2. Bilateral Investment Treaties: Bahrain has signed bilateral investment treaties with numerous countries to protect foreign investors and promote investment in the country.

  1. Start-up Ecosystem: Bahrain has a growing start-up ecosystem, with initiatives like the Bahrain FinTech Bay and the Bahrain Economic Development Board (EDB) fostering innovation and entrepreneurship.

  1. Supportive Government: The Bahraini government is supportive of foreign investment and has established agencies like the Bahrain Economic Development Board (EDB) to assist investors with information, facilitation, and incentives.

  1. Quality of Life: Kuwait offers a high quality of life with modern amenities, healthcare facilities, international schools, and a safe environment for residents and expatriates.

    While Bahrain offers significant investment opportunities, it's important for potential investors to conduct thorough due diligence, understand local regulations and business practices, and seek professional guidance to navigate the market effectively. Additionally, staying informed about economic and political developments in Bahrain is crucial for successful investment.

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Why expand in Egypt?

Investing in Egypt can be an attractive opportunity for various reasons:

  1. Large and Diverse Market: Egypt is the most populous country in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, offering a vast and diverse consumer market. Its large population presents significant opportunities for various industries, including consumer goods, retail, and services.

  1. Strategic Location: Egypt's geographical location at the crossroads of Africa, Asia, and Europe positions it as a strategic trading hub with ports on Suez Canal a main artery between three continents. It provides access to multiple markets and trade routes, making it an ideal location for businesses seeking regional and international expansion.

  1. Economic Reforms: The Egyptian government has implemented a series of economic reforms to improve the investment climate. These reforms include subsidy reductions, tax incentives, and efforts to streamline bureaucracy.

  2. Infrastructure Development: Egypt has made substantial investments in infrastructure development, including transportation, energy, and logistics. Projects like the Suez Canal expansion and new cities (e.g., New Administrative Capital) aim to enhance connectivity and attract investment.

  1. Young and Growing Workforce: Egypt has a large and relatively young workforce, offering a pool of skilled labor. The country's universities and technical institutions produce graduates with various skills and qualifications.

  1. Investment Incentives: Egypt offers a range of incentives to attract foreign investment, including tax breaks, customs exemptions, and land allocation for industrial projects.

  1. Special Economic Zones: The establishment of special economic zones (SEZs), such as the Suez Canal Economic Zone and others, offers favorable conditions for businesses, including simplified regulatory frameworks and infrastructure support.

  1. Natural Resources: Egypt possesses significant natural resources, including natural gas, oil, and minerals. The energy sector has been a focal point for investment, and opportunities exist in exploration and production.

  1. Tourism Potential: Egypt's rich cultural heritage, historical sites, and Red Sea resorts make it a popular tourist destination. The government is actively promoting tourism, offering investment opportunities in the hospitality and leisure sectors.

  2. Renewable Energy: Egypt is investing in renewable energy projects, particularly solar and wind energy. This aligns with global efforts to transition to cleaner energy sources and offers investment opportunities in the renewable energy sector.

  1. Market Access: Egypt has signed trade agreements with numerous countries and is part of regional trade blocs, facilitating access to various markets.

  1. Cultural Significance: Egypt's cultural significance, with landmarks like the Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx, attracts international attention and tourism, creating opportunities in cultural preservation and tourism-related ventures.

    While Egypt presents significant investment opportunities, potential investors should conduct thorough due diligence, understand local regulations and customs, and seek professional advice to navigate the market effectively. Additionally, staying informed about economic and political developments in Egypt is crucial for successful investment.

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Why expand in Jordan?

Investing in Jordan can be an attractive proposition for several reasons:

  1. Strategic Location: Jordan's strategic location in the heart of the Middle East provides easy access to key markets in the region, including the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Iraq, and North Africa. It serves as a bridge for trade between Asia and Europe.

  1. Stability: Jordan is known for its political stability and peaceful coexistence. The country has a long history of maintaining political and social stability in a turbulent region.

  1. Free Trade Agreements: Jordan has signed several free trade agreements (FTAs), including agreements with the United States, Canada, the European Union, and many Arab countries. These FTAs provide preferential access to these markets, making Jordan an attractive location for businesses seeking to export.

  2. Investor-Friendly Environment: The Jordanian government has implemented investor-friendly policies, including tax incentives, simplified registration procedures, and a one-stop shop for investors. Foreign investors are allowed 100% ownership in most sectors.

  1. Education and Skilled Workforce: Jordan has a well-educated and skilled workforce. The country has invested in education and vocational training programs, producing a labor force with diverse skill sets.

  1. Infrastructure Development: Jordan has modern infrastructure, including ports, airports, and road networks. The country is continually investing in infrastructure to enhance connectivity and facilitate trade.

  1. Energy and Renewables: Jordan has made significant strides in the renewable energy sector. It has attracted investment in solar and wind energy projects, aligning with global efforts to transition to cleaner energy sources.

  1. Special Economic Zones: Jordan has established special economic zones (SEZs) to attract investment. These zones offer incentives such as tax exemptions, customs benefits, and simplified regulations.

  1. Tourism Potential: Jordan is rich in historical and cultural attractions, including Petra, the Dead Sea, and the ancient city of Jerash. Tourism is a growing industry, and the government is actively promoting it.

  2. Water Resources: Jordan has developed expertise in water management and desalination technologies, making it a regional leader in addressing water scarcity challenges.

  1. Supportive Government: The Jordanian government has established agencies like the Jordan Investment Commission (JIC) to assist investors with information, facilitation, and incentives.

  1. Quality of Life: Jordan offers a high quality of life with modern amenities, healthcare facilities, and international schools. It is an attractive destination for expatriates and their families.

    While Jordan presents significant investment opportunities, it's important for potential investors to conduct thorough due diligence, understand local regulations and business practices, and seek professional advice to navigate the market effectively. Additionally, staying informed about economic and political developments in Jordan is crucial for successful investment.

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